INTERA Technology Park and FBiH Ministry of Education and Science are jointly organizing the Web3 & Blockchain konferenciju in Bosnia and Herzegovina in May 2023. The conference will be held in the premises of the INTERA Technology Park in Mostar and represents an excellent opportunity for discussion and exchange of knowledge and experience in the areas of web3 technologies and blockchain.

It is clear that technology advances every day, and modern technologies are applied in almost all segments of life. One of the increasingly frequently mentioned technologies are web3 and blockchain technologies that find application in the financial sector, science, healthcare, intellectual property, public administration, and other sectors. Global trends require the use of these technologies, especially in data storage and transfer, using this decentralized structure secured by cryptography.

The Conference will address the possibilities of application, the latest trends, and the level of development of these technologies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region, and the world.

At the Conference, all those interested will have the opportunity to present their work or research related to the application of web3 and blockchain technologies in various sectors, and all you need to do is submit a summary of your paper by February 28 via the link:

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