The Alliance of Boundary Crossing for Deep Tech – ABCD is an international initiative that aims to become the initiator of significant changes in the field of Deep Tech and the main center of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Western Balkans. Among the numerous activities of the project is the FOUNDERS ABC DEEP TECH program to support the development of innovative startups, for which applications are open until September 11. You can learn more about it here.

The program will include 8 modules with a focus on the most important aspects of the development of innovative business opportunities:

  1. The development path of deep tech startups, expectations, milestones, and the most important stakeholders
  2. Problem-solution fit – definition of the core problem, analysis of alternative solutions, Unique Value Proposition
  3. Market – customer analysis, target market, market size and trends, competitor analysis
  4. Go-To-Market – product/service development, KPIs and time to market, pricing, sales
    Go-To-Market – marketing and distribution, intellectual property rights
  5. Impact and sustainability – value-based innovation, impact measurement, sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals
  6. Finances – financial plan, funding roadmap
  7. Pitch – pitch structure and practice
  8. Relationships – partners, team management and communication

What are the advantages of participating in the program for startups who decide to join us and pass the selection process?

  • New knowledge and skills – the program will be conducted online, and guest lecturers will share their rich experience, knowledge, tools, skills, contacts, and tricks;
  • Mentorship - startups within the program will have the opportunity for 1:1 consultations with expert mentors who will provide unique guidelines and suggestions;
  • Insight into financing - the program will also include special mini-sessions with EIT experts, during which the participants of the program will be presented with opportunities for financing, various programs and initiatives of the EIT, and opportunities for the development of innovative startups;
  • Experience - within each session, we will be joined by successful startups from the region, who will share their experience with program participants and provide key guidelines for overcoming various challenges;
  • Networking - connecting with successful startups, mentors, entrepreneurs, and other ecosystem facilitators encourages connections that can significantly influence the future of the startup;
  • Shine at the end - we will close the program with a Demo Day, during which startups will present their progress and potential to ABCD partners and investors!

These are great reasons to apply - hurry up and take advantage of the unique opportunity to develop your startup! All details, as well as the application form, can be found on the page:

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