The Labena company is a regional leader in the market of laboratory equipment from the pharmaceutical, medical, food, petrochemical industry, and other areas of research and development in academic institutions. This year, the company went one step further, launching the first corporate startup accelerator for innovative solutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine, pharmacy, food industry, and environmental protection – Labena Ventures, which aims to commercialize business opportunities that will improve the quality of life and health of people around the world.

The Labena Ventures program is focused on the global growth of startups from the CEE region, through a carefully structured and adapted program, mentoring work with top experts, significant infrastructure and equipment for use, as well as access to a large network of business partners and investors. Teams are expected to work dynamically on product and technology development and fundraising, as well as connections with potential investors who have more than 100 million euros to invest.

The program consists of several phases: a three-day Bootcamp, a three-month acceleration, and a Demo Day, and through all phases the teams can count on the constant support of an international network of over 80 experts. For those who successfully complete the program, the support does not stop there, they join the Alumni Growth network and gain access to exclusive events, tools and resources, as well as better connections with potential partners and investors.

Labena Ventures is a great opportunity for innovators who want a faster and more focused market entry! Applications are open until May 22, 2023, and more detailed information about the program, as well as the application link, can be found on the website:

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