Many of the world’s most urgent challenges, like climate change, sustainable food, and water systems, or health and well-being, are strongly correlated with successfully commercializing solutions based on scientific discoveries and engineering innovations, collectively known as “Deep Tech”.Deep Tech’’.

Deep Tech They include but are not limited to Artificial Intelligence, advanced materials, blockchain, biotechnology, robotics, drones, photonics, and quantum computing.

Even though academic institutions are a cradle of exquisitely talented individuals and breakthrough technologies, the existing potential is still far from being fully acknowledged and supported. Deep Tech,even when recognized as valuable, are often spun out of labs before they are sufficiently developed and thus commercially viable.

  • Most of the initiatives, focused on the technology commercialization, are not optimized for the specific needs of Deep Tech. Deep Tech-a.

  • Deep Tech is characterized by a much longer time horizon from the earliest stages of technological development to the demonstration in a real-life environment and then to the embodiment in the form of a product available to the end users.
  • We created a support system tailored to the needs of the early-stage deep tech teams that enables them to develop their technologies based on the needs of the consumers and transform identified opportunities into viable businesses.

Urgentni globalni izazovi su u snažnoj korelaciji sa uspešno komercijalizovanim Deep Tech rešenjima.


Sustainable development goals embrace economic, environmental, and social prosperity, which are strongly linked to technological development.


Entrepreneurship is a key factor in spurring social and economic change and improving how people live and work.